Thursday, August 22, 2019


assalammualaikum, hello, hei, bonjour, hola, nin hao, namaste and welcome to my blog dear readers!
here's some facts about me.

This is a picture of me infront of The HEA Building in UiTM Jengka
Credits: My friend, Nissa

My name is Nik Rania Safia Binti Nik Saladin. I was born in Damansara on 19th July 2001. I grew up in Shah Alam, Selangor with my other four siblings. I'm the third child out of five children. I have two elder sisters and two younger brothers. I'm pratically the middle child. I'm currently studying Diploma in Accounting (AC110) at UiTM Cawangan Pahang, Jengka. I could imagine myself being an accountant one day. Well a wise man once said, never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than the one with all the facts. Nothing is impossible.

I have two wonderful people that gives me support whenever i need it, which is my parents. My father's name is Nik Saladin bin Nik Mahir. He could be a lawyer, engineer, and even a dictionary but he chose to be a manager in an insurance company. While on the other hand, my mother, Norzatul Baizura binti Mohd Sharin is my full time cousellor, she is a housewife. I have five siblings. The eldest is the popstar of the family, Nik Farhanna. She's currently studying architecture in UiTM Puncak Alam. My second sister, Nik Nalyssa Nadiah is currently studying business investment in UiTM Segamat. And my two little brothers, Nik Amirudin and Nik Aminuddin.



Our first activity for UED 102, ice breaking! I got to know some of my course mates and they are very wonderful people. 


  1. Getting Ready to Learn
  2. Goal Setting: Learning Management System
  3. Time Management: Organizational Skills
  4. Getting to Know the Campus
  5. Memory Learning, Improving Concentration
  6. Taking Lecture Notes
  7. Academic Integrity, Performance

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Module 1 - Getting Ready to Learn

On 7th August 2018

Assalammualaikum and hello to all newbies! We gathered at Al-Biruni 1 for UED 102 Study Skills which conducted by Puan Sabariah and Puan Nor Syazwani. They taught us how to apply knowledge of study skills in academic settings.

Topic 1: Making The Transition 
There are a lot of differences between high school and college. My dad always said, if you are living your college life the same as high school life, you will never suvive.

High School
Your time and schedule is structured by your parents and teachers
You have to manage your own time and schedule
Your parents and teachers will remind you of your responsibilities and help you manage them
You must balance your responsibilities and set your own priorities
Teachers approach you if them believe you are falling behind
You should initiate with you lecturer or tutor if you need assistance
Free or required education

Cost or optional education
Approx 6 report cards a year
1 grading period (semester),
No progress reports

Topic 2: Learning Styles & Characteristics of Successful Students

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There are three kind of learning styles. Different people, different learning styles. We cannot judge a person's way of studying because some people can study with music, some people need to watch videos and some people need to read real materials to study.

Visual - learn by seeing charts, graph, picture aids, powerpoints
Auditory - read alouds, dicussions, repeat to a friend
Kinesthethic - hands on, incorporate body movement

Conclusion: I'm an auditory learner and it is very accurate how i study most of the time using the terms reading out loud to make me understand the subject even more and the terms of study groups, i used to study in small groups a lots of time due to the fact that i don't understand a certain subject and i will ask my friend about it, and same in return with others. 

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Topic 3: 8 Steps to University Success

Attend All Classes
You need to attend all classes because most of the test questions will come from lecturers

Participate in Class
If you don't feel comfortable to participate in class, then you can also ask questions about the material you don't understand so you will feel more involved and being a part of the class

Get to Know Your Lecturers
Talk to your lecturers whether during the class or after the class, so your lecturer will become more alert towards you and you can easily ask questions or your progress in the class

Form Study Group with Friends
Small study groups can be really effective. But you need to include friends who really serious about studies so all of your friends can get benefits from the study group

Stay Up to Date with Your Work
You have to keep up to date with your assignments so you don't lag behind. Stop procrastinating so that you can maintain a less stressful college life

Be Receptive to Change
You can use your old study strategies during high school, or if it's doesn't work and doesn't suits you, you need to change your study strategies and change using your learning style. You must willing to give them a chance

Work Hard Every Semester
If you want high grades, but you work slowly, then you should stop dreaming, you need to make an effort to study extra time, double than your previous study time

Become an Active Learner
You have to maintain the same energy every semester to learn new subjects, new chapters even new things. You have to keep learning new things, don't let your brain rest.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Module 2 - Goal Settings

What is Goal?
The result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end.

Why do we need goals?

  1. Goals are the ends towards which we direct our effort, what we want to achieve.
  2. Goals are important in varsity life because they help motivate you to do work, attend classes and study for exam
  3. Even though, you already may have set some goals before in your life, chances are you thought little about whether those goals were realistic.
  4. You can actually improve your academic performance in university by learning to set goals that motivate you to do well in the future. 

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Characteristics of a goal 
Goals should be SELF CHOSEN
Goals should be REALISTIC
Goals should be SPECIFIC
Goals should be FINITE
Goals should be POSITIVE

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My Goals
It is very important for every human being to have a goal in their life, to have a purpose in their life. It shows how determine the person is. My goal in my life is to become an ACCA member, inshaallah one day. But it's a long way to go, and i need to finish my diploma in accounting first. In order to achieve my goal, i need to score in my exams and get Dean's List every semester to get ANC which is A Vice Chancellor Award.

The Obstacles
“If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.” Frank A. Clark. I love this quote, it shows that there will always be obstacles in every goal and you have to pass through it and because they are the path to your goal. My obstacles are my insecurities which been building inside me since i was a little kid. Other than that, my low self confidence that been eating me up because i'm scared of judgement. Some day, i look at it in a positive way, but some day, i feel like i'm not good enough and i can't do it. 

I will surrounding myself with real and positive friends, because finding real friends are really hard nowadays but i have a few of them and they are my diamonds. They will always cheer me up when i'm down and give me advice when i'm not myself. Then, i will find myself  a new hobby so i will make myself busy with it so i don't have time to think about insecurities because i tend to overthink a lot. Then, i need to focus on my goal, which i need to focus on my studies, ineed to go to all classes and stop procrastinating. 

Review And Revise
I want to maintain 3.5 and above for my every semester and i want to get an A for every subjects.

I will get 3.5 and above for my every semester and get the Vice Chancellor Award. 

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Sunday, August 18, 2019

Module 3 - Time Management and Organizational Skills

Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't own it, but you can use it. You can't keep it, but you can spend it. Once you lost it, you can never get it back. - Harvey Mackay

Image result for time clock
What is time management?

Time management is a process of organising and planning how to divide your time so the right time is fit into the right activity. 

Image result for time photography

How do you manage your time?
  • Keep a time log every day for one week
  • Complete a prospective-retrospective calendar every day for one week

Why do we need to manage our time? 
  • Reduce stress
  • Free time is necessary 
  • You can accomplish more with less effort 
  • Improved decision making ability 

Importance of time
In Surah Al-Asr, it shows that time is very important to every human being and we have to use it wisely or we will regret it in the future. 

Image result for surah al asr

1. “By Time",
2. “Surely man is in loss,"
3. “Save those who believe and do good deeds, and enjoin on each other truth, and enjoin on each other patience.

Articles on Surah Al-Asr 

5 strategies to develop a successful system of study 

What is procrastination?

Procrastination is the act of putting off intentionally the doing of something that should be done

Image result for procrastination

Why people procrastinate? 

  • Some people procrastinate because of their perfectionism. A perfectionist is afraid of making mistakes, and the person end up not taking an action at all. Or another example when a perfectionist afraid of publishing her/his work with flaws, the perfectionist will delay it and going it again and over again until it's flawless and perfect. 
  • Some people procrastinate their work because they are lazy. They thought they have enough time to do their work so they keep delaying their work until the due date. 
  • Some people procrastinate because they feel anxious about the task that they need to handle. It will more problematic when their anxiety increases as a result of their procrastination and it will causes them to more procrastinate instead of doing it. 

Benjamin Franklin

How do we stop procrastinating?

  • We have to change the way we think. It is very important to us especially students, we have to be optimistic. Stop thinking 'I can never do this', and start to think 'This is a challenge for me, if they can do it, i can do it too'. 
  • We have to set our own goals. Set your goal higher, so you will able to work more harder to achieve it and you will have no time to procrastinate. 
  • We have to give yourself a reward. For example, after you have done with your essay, you will treat yourself an ice cream. A reward is something you want to look forward to, so you will do your tasks.

Daily, weekly, semester planning

  • Obtain a calendar or planner
  • Organise your tasks
  • Prioritise your tasks
  • Mark your prioritised tasks
  • Schedule a time for each tasks
  • Add time cushion to your schedule
  • Leave space to your schedule

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Example of weekly planner

This is my daily planner on 14th August 2019

This calendar is not in a good quality but i just want to put here and basically this is my weekly schedule and same routine every single day and if i don't have classes, i would studying too in my room. 

Semester schedu

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Module 4 - Getting to Know UiTM

Image result for uitm jengka

On 14th August
Puan Anis Barieyah gave us a talk on our next topic about UED 102 Study Skills at Al-Bukhari 2

Getting to know the campus!
There are two campus in Pahang, which is in Jengka and Raub. The main campus is UiTM Jengka.
It was established in 1985 in Kuantan. Then in 1993, the campus moved to it's permanent location in Bandar Jengka. UiTM Pahang has proven to provide the best opportunities for bumiputera to pursue education in science, industry, technology, trade, arts and society.

Here are the courses in UiTM Cawangan Pahang

Program Pra Diploma
Program Diploma
Program Sarjana Muda
Pra Perdagangan
Pra Sains
Diploma Perakaunan
Diploma Industri Perkayuan
Diploma Sains
Diploma Pengurusan Perladangan
Diploma Pengurusan & Teknologi Pejabat
Diploma Pengajian Sukan
Diploma Kejuruteraan Awam
Diploma Pengajian Perbankan
Diploma Sains Komputer
Diploma Statistik
Diploma Pengajian Perniagaan
Diploma Pentadbiran Awam
Sarjana Muda Sains Biologi
Sarjana Muda Sains Kimia
Sarjana Muda Sains Fizik
Sarjana Muda Sains Teknologi Pejabat
Sarjana Muda Pengurusan Sistem Pejabat
Sarjana Muda Sains Sukan
Sarjana Muda Pengurusan Biodiversiti

Type of Resources

Type of Resources
UiTM Jengka
Academic resources
Library, Information Technology & Computer, Registrar
Perpustakaan Al Bukhari, Makmal IT, Bangunan Pentadbiran, HEA
Housing, Dining & transportation
Buses, Dining Places
Stesen bas, DM Kolej Tok Gajah, Kolej Mat Kilau, Koperasi, Van, Bus
Student organization resources
Extra-curricular activties, leisure activities
HEP, Padang Ragbi, Court, Stadim, Kem Gading

Example of Academic Resources

Image result for perpustakaan al bukhari
Perpustakaan Al-Bukhari 1 (PAB)

There are two library in UiTM Jengka, Perpustakaan Al Bukhari 1 and Perpustakaan Al-Bukhari 2. The operating hours for the library is at 8.30am until 6.30pm on the weekdays. There are three sections in the library which is zon sentral, zon quiet and zon silent. There are also discussion rooms, and IT room which is limited for students. if you want to know more information on the library you can visit the website

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Bangunan Hal Ehwal Akademik (HEA)

 Bangunan Hal Ehwal Akademik (HEA) manages all academic affairs of the university.

Example of Housing, Dining & Transportation

  Masjid Uwais Al-Qarni

This mosque is where all the students and lecturers do their prayers, give their islamic talk, and a lot more islamic activites. 

Image result for stesen bus tok gajah uitm jengka
Kolej Tok Gajah

The college is occupied by female students
There are 4 blok in this kolej, Blok A, B, C and D. 10 level in each and every blok. There are a few facilites in the college such as medan selera, bus station, futsal court, and a lot more. 


Example of Student Organization Resources

Bangunan Hal Ehwal Pelajar

Here are a few functions of  HEP: provide accomodation for students, 
help students get financial help, provide on-campus transportation services and
provide guidance and counseling services

Friday, August 16, 2019

Module 5 - Memory Learning, Improving Concentration

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What is memory?
The retention of information overtime or the mind stress and remember information (mental process), like computer software

What is brain?
Brain is the organ, like computer hardware

The Storage (retain information)
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Sensory Memory (SM)

Sensory memory is the shortest-term element of memory. It is the ability to retain impressions of sensory information after the original stimuli have ended. It acts as a kind of buffer for stimuli received through the five senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch, which are retained accurately, but very briefly. For example, the ability to look at something and remember what it looked like with just a second of observation is an example of sensory memory. 

Short-term / working memory (STM)

Short-term memory acts as a kind of “scratch-pad” for temporary recall of the information. It can be thought of as the ability to remember and process information at the same time. It holds a small amount of information and it is very limited storage.

Long-term memory (LTM)

Long-term memory is  intended for storage of information over a long period of time. Despite our everyday impressions of forgetting, it seems likely that long-term memory actually decays very little over time and also can store unlimited amount of information because it is a large storage. 

Image result for memory study quotes

How forgetting could occur?

  1. Did not pay attention to the information
  2. Did not understand the information
  3. Cramming (last minute study)
  4. Did not have good strategies
  5. Interference (havingtwo exams on the same day)
  6. Test Anxiety (negative thought about oneself, did not prepare well for the test)

Massed practice vs Spaced practice

Image result for massed practice vs spaced practice

Memory Strategies
Image result for memory strategies

1.Break reading material down

Repeat the information many times

3. Elaborate Strategies

  • Association
  • Acronyms
  • Acrostics
  • Imagery
  • Organizational strategies
  • Comprehension - SQ3R

What is SQ3R?
Image result for sq3r
Students review the text to gain initial learning from the title, subtitle, cahpter, introductin, charts, cgraphs, pictures, the final paragraph or even summary

Students try to form questions based on the preview study

Students need to look for answers for the questions they formed during their review of the text

Students will attempt to answer all the questions formed earlier, and they can't answer it, they will look back. Students should recite and rehearse their answers and summarize their information and they will make notes about their answer for later studying

Students will read back to their questions after finished reading, and if they can't asnwer the questions, they need to refer back to their answers

6 Strategies for improving concentration causes of poor concetration
  1. Lack of attention
  2. Lack of interest
  3. Distraction from others
  4. Uncomfortable environment
  5. Physiological matters - illness, tiredness
  6. Psychological matters - personal problems

Image result for memory learning

5 Strategies to improve concentration 
  1. Use motivational and organizational strategies
  2. Create a positive learning environment
  3. Deal with internal distractions
  4. Use active learning strategies
  5. Match your learning style to the ask 

Activity 6.1 
I got 70% in the concentration strategies test. It shows that i need to improve my concentration skills and i need to figure it out how to improve my level of concentration in classes.

Memory Activity
newspaper, pencil, pen, chalk, magazine, automobile, train, boat, comic book, crayon. bus ,book

How could you remember all of this in a few seconds and then writing it down?
Answer: Put it in their category

Transportation: train, automobile, boat, bus
Stationery: pencil, chalk, crayon, pen
Reading materials: magazine, comic book, book, newspaper

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Module 6 - Taking Lecture Notes

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                                    What is note taking? 
the practice of writing down notes or key notes of the information

Why do we need to take notes? 

  • Helps us pay attention in class
  • Helps us study for quiz, tests and final exam
  • Helps us improve our memory 
  • Helps us take ownership of ideas
  • Helps us engage our senses
  • Helps us organize and process data & information
  • Helps the lecturers test students on how well they captured given infomation 

Image result for taking notes quotes

Why do we need to review notes?
  • We lose 80% of what we hear if it is not reviewed within a few hours
  • Identify any questions for peers, the next class, or to ask the professor
  • Not enough time to absorb all the information given in class if it's not reviewed on a regular basis

Physical Factors
Physical factors are very important because they affect our focus in classes. For example, people who sit near the front and center will get better vision on the lecture and slides. It will also avoid distraction such as doorways, window glare and a lot more. They will eventually focus on the lecturers and taking down notes. 

“You have to make your own condensed notes. You learn from MAKING them. A lot of thinking goes into deciding what to include and exclude. You develop your own system of abbreviations and memory methods for the information.” 
― Peter Rogers, Straight A at Stanford and on to Harvard

How do we take notes?
  • Date and label notes
  • Give ourselves space to write
  • Use abbreviations and symbol
  • Use an outline to show: main ideas, support, examples
  • Use your own language

How do we prepare for class?
  • Plan on listening 80%
  • Preview previous notes
  • Write the date 

Example of Cornell Method of taking notes

Image result for cornell method example

Three important facts about Cornell Method is there are three lists which is or self test  
2. note taking area 
3. summary.

Image result for taking notes meme
This picture says it all and that's why as students, we need to know how to take notes properly so we don't lag behind.

We have to make simple notes and summary based on the essay we got.
It is easier to read and understand.


assalammualaikum, hello, hei, bonjour, hola, nin hao, namaste and welcome to my blog dear readers! here's some facts about me. ...