Sunday, August 18, 2019

Module 3 - Time Management and Organizational Skills

Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't own it, but you can use it. You can't keep it, but you can spend it. Once you lost it, you can never get it back. - Harvey Mackay

Image result for time clock
What is time management?

Time management is a process of organising and planning how to divide your time so the right time is fit into the right activity. 

Image result for time photography

How do you manage your time?
  • Keep a time log every day for one week
  • Complete a prospective-retrospective calendar every day for one week

Why do we need to manage our time? 
  • Reduce stress
  • Free time is necessary 
  • You can accomplish more with less effort 
  • Improved decision making ability 

Importance of time
In Surah Al-Asr, it shows that time is very important to every human being and we have to use it wisely or we will regret it in the future. 

Image result for surah al asr

1. “By Time",
2. “Surely man is in loss,"
3. “Save those who believe and do good deeds, and enjoin on each other truth, and enjoin on each other patience.

Articles on Surah Al-Asr 

5 strategies to develop a successful system of study 

What is procrastination?

Procrastination is the act of putting off intentionally the doing of something that should be done

Image result for procrastination

Why people procrastinate? 

  • Some people procrastinate because of their perfectionism. A perfectionist is afraid of making mistakes, and the person end up not taking an action at all. Or another example when a perfectionist afraid of publishing her/his work with flaws, the perfectionist will delay it and going it again and over again until it's flawless and perfect. 
  • Some people procrastinate their work because they are lazy. They thought they have enough time to do their work so they keep delaying their work until the due date. 
  • Some people procrastinate because they feel anxious about the task that they need to handle. It will more problematic when their anxiety increases as a result of their procrastination and it will causes them to more procrastinate instead of doing it. 

Benjamin Franklin

How do we stop procrastinating?

  • We have to change the way we think. It is very important to us especially students, we have to be optimistic. Stop thinking 'I can never do this', and start to think 'This is a challenge for me, if they can do it, i can do it too'. 
  • We have to set our own goals. Set your goal higher, so you will able to work more harder to achieve it and you will have no time to procrastinate. 
  • We have to give yourself a reward. For example, after you have done with your essay, you will treat yourself an ice cream. A reward is something you want to look forward to, so you will do your tasks.

Daily, weekly, semester planning

  • Obtain a calendar or planner
  • Organise your tasks
  • Prioritise your tasks
  • Mark your prioritised tasks
  • Schedule a time for each tasks
  • Add time cushion to your schedule
  • Leave space to your schedule

Image result for Daily, weekly, semester planning
Example of weekly planner

This is my daily planner on 14th August 2019

This calendar is not in a good quality but i just want to put here and basically this is my weekly schedule and same routine every single day and if i don't have classes, i would studying too in my room. 

Semester schedu

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