Friday, August 16, 2019

Module 5 - Memory Learning, Improving Concentration

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What is memory?
The retention of information overtime or the mind stress and remember information (mental process), like computer software

What is brain?
Brain is the organ, like computer hardware

The Storage (retain information)
Related image

Sensory Memory (SM)

Sensory memory is the shortest-term element of memory. It is the ability to retain impressions of sensory information after the original stimuli have ended. It acts as a kind of buffer for stimuli received through the five senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch, which are retained accurately, but very briefly. For example, the ability to look at something and remember what it looked like with just a second of observation is an example of sensory memory. 

Short-term / working memory (STM)

Short-term memory acts as a kind of “scratch-pad” for temporary recall of the information. It can be thought of as the ability to remember and process information at the same time. It holds a small amount of information and it is very limited storage.

Long-term memory (LTM)

Long-term memory is  intended for storage of information over a long period of time. Despite our everyday impressions of forgetting, it seems likely that long-term memory actually decays very little over time and also can store unlimited amount of information because it is a large storage. 

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How forgetting could occur?

  1. Did not pay attention to the information
  2. Did not understand the information
  3. Cramming (last minute study)
  4. Did not have good strategies
  5. Interference (havingtwo exams on the same day)
  6. Test Anxiety (negative thought about oneself, did not prepare well for the test)

Massed practice vs Spaced practice

Image result for massed practice vs spaced practice

Memory Strategies
Image result for memory strategies

1.Break reading material down

Repeat the information many times

3. Elaborate Strategies

  • Association
  • Acronyms
  • Acrostics
  • Imagery
  • Organizational strategies
  • Comprehension - SQ3R

What is SQ3R?
Image result for sq3r
Students review the text to gain initial learning from the title, subtitle, cahpter, introductin, charts, cgraphs, pictures, the final paragraph or even summary

Students try to form questions based on the preview study

Students need to look for answers for the questions they formed during their review of the text

Students will attempt to answer all the questions formed earlier, and they can't answer it, they will look back. Students should recite and rehearse their answers and summarize their information and they will make notes about their answer for later studying

Students will read back to their questions after finished reading, and if they can't asnwer the questions, they need to refer back to their answers

6 Strategies for improving concentration causes of poor concetration
  1. Lack of attention
  2. Lack of interest
  3. Distraction from others
  4. Uncomfortable environment
  5. Physiological matters - illness, tiredness
  6. Psychological matters - personal problems

Image result for memory learning

5 Strategies to improve concentration 
  1. Use motivational and organizational strategies
  2. Create a positive learning environment
  3. Deal with internal distractions
  4. Use active learning strategies
  5. Match your learning style to the ask 

Activity 6.1 
I got 70% in the concentration strategies test. It shows that i need to improve my concentration skills and i need to figure it out how to improve my level of concentration in classes.

Memory Activity
newspaper, pencil, pen, chalk, magazine, automobile, train, boat, comic book, crayon. bus ,book

How could you remember all of this in a few seconds and then writing it down?
Answer: Put it in their category

Transportation: train, automobile, boat, bus
Stationery: pencil, chalk, crayon, pen
Reading materials: magazine, comic book, book, newspaper

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