Thursday, August 15, 2019

Module 6 - Taking Lecture Notes

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                                    What is note taking? 
the practice of writing down notes or key notes of the information

Why do we need to take notes? 

  • Helps us pay attention in class
  • Helps us study for quiz, tests and final exam
  • Helps us improve our memory 
  • Helps us take ownership of ideas
  • Helps us engage our senses
  • Helps us organize and process data & information
  • Helps the lecturers test students on how well they captured given infomation 

Image result for taking notes quotes

Why do we need to review notes?
  • We lose 80% of what we hear if it is not reviewed within a few hours
  • Identify any questions for peers, the next class, or to ask the professor
  • Not enough time to absorb all the information given in class if it's not reviewed on a regular basis

Physical Factors
Physical factors are very important because they affect our focus in classes. For example, people who sit near the front and center will get better vision on the lecture and slides. It will also avoid distraction such as doorways, window glare and a lot more. They will eventually focus on the lecturers and taking down notes. 

“You have to make your own condensed notes. You learn from MAKING them. A lot of thinking goes into deciding what to include and exclude. You develop your own system of abbreviations and memory methods for the information.” 
― Peter Rogers, Straight A at Stanford and on to Harvard

How do we take notes?
  • Date and label notes
  • Give ourselves space to write
  • Use abbreviations and symbol
  • Use an outline to show: main ideas, support, examples
  • Use your own language

How do we prepare for class?
  • Plan on listening 80%
  • Preview previous notes
  • Write the date 

Example of Cornell Method of taking notes

Image result for cornell method example

Three important facts about Cornell Method is there are three lists which is or self test  
2. note taking area 
3. summary.

Image result for taking notes meme
This picture says it all and that's why as students, we need to know how to take notes properly so we don't lag behind.

We have to make simple notes and summary based on the essay we got.
It is easier to read and understand.

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