Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Module 1 - Getting Ready to Learn

On 7th August 2018

Assalammualaikum and hello to all newbies! We gathered at Al-Biruni 1 for UED 102 Study Skills which conducted by Puan Sabariah and Puan Nor Syazwani. They taught us how to apply knowledge of study skills in academic settings.

Topic 1: Making The Transition 
There are a lot of differences between high school and college. My dad always said, if you are living your college life the same as high school life, you will never suvive.

High School
Your time and schedule is structured by your parents and teachers
You have to manage your own time and schedule
Your parents and teachers will remind you of your responsibilities and help you manage them
You must balance your responsibilities and set your own priorities
Teachers approach you if them believe you are falling behind
You should initiate with you lecturer or tutor if you need assistance
Free or required education

Cost or optional education
Approx 6 report cards a year
1 grading period (semester),
No progress reports

Topic 2: Learning Styles & Characteristics of Successful Students

Image result for learning style

There are three kind of learning styles. Different people, different learning styles. We cannot judge a person's way of studying because some people can study with music, some people need to watch videos and some people need to read real materials to study.

Visual - learn by seeing charts, graph, picture aids, powerpoints
Auditory - read alouds, dicussions, repeat to a friend
Kinesthethic - hands on, incorporate body movement

Conclusion: I'm an auditory learner and it is very accurate how i study most of the time using the terms reading out loud to make me understand the subject even more and the terms of study groups, i used to study in small groups a lots of time due to the fact that i don't understand a certain subject and i will ask my friend about it, and same in return with others. 

Image result for study meme

Topic 3: 8 Steps to University Success

Attend All Classes
You need to attend all classes because most of the test questions will come from lecturers

Participate in Class
If you don't feel comfortable to participate in class, then you can also ask questions about the material you don't understand so you will feel more involved and being a part of the class

Get to Know Your Lecturers
Talk to your lecturers whether during the class or after the class, so your lecturer will become more alert towards you and you can easily ask questions or your progress in the class

Form Study Group with Friends
Small study groups can be really effective. But you need to include friends who really serious about studies so all of your friends can get benefits from the study group

Stay Up to Date with Your Work
You have to keep up to date with your assignments so you don't lag behind. Stop procrastinating so that you can maintain a less stressful college life

Be Receptive to Change
You can use your old study strategies during high school, or if it's doesn't work and doesn't suits you, you need to change your study strategies and change using your learning style. You must willing to give them a chance

Work Hard Every Semester
If you want high grades, but you work slowly, then you should stop dreaming, you need to make an effort to study extra time, double than your previous study time

Become an Active Learner
You have to maintain the same energy every semester to learn new subjects, new chapters even new things. You have to keep learning new things, don't let your brain rest.

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assalammualaikum, hello, hei, bonjour, hola, nin hao, namaste and welcome to my blog dear readers! here's some facts about me. ...