Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Module 2 - Goal Settings

What is Goal?
The result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end.

Why do we need goals?

  1. Goals are the ends towards which we direct our effort, what we want to achieve.
  2. Goals are important in varsity life because they help motivate you to do work, attend classes and study for exam
  3. Even though, you already may have set some goals before in your life, chances are you thought little about whether those goals were realistic.
  4. You can actually improve your academic performance in university by learning to set goals that motivate you to do well in the future. 

Image result for goals smart acronym

Characteristics of a goal 
Goals should be SELF CHOSEN
Goals should be REALISTIC
Goals should be SPECIFIC
Goals should be FINITE
Goals should be POSITIVE

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My Goals
It is very important for every human being to have a goal in their life, to have a purpose in their life. It shows how determine the person is. My goal in my life is to become an ACCA member, inshaallah one day. But it's a long way to go, and i need to finish my diploma in accounting first. In order to achieve my goal, i need to score in my exams and get Dean's List every semester to get ANC which is A Vice Chancellor Award.

The Obstacles
“If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.” Frank A. Clark. I love this quote, it shows that there will always be obstacles in every goal and you have to pass through it and because they are the path to your goal. My obstacles are my insecurities which been building inside me since i was a little kid. Other than that, my low self confidence that been eating me up because i'm scared of judgement. Some day, i look at it in a positive way, but some day, i feel like i'm not good enough and i can't do it. 

I will surrounding myself with real and positive friends, because finding real friends are really hard nowadays but i have a few of them and they are my diamonds. They will always cheer me up when i'm down and give me advice when i'm not myself. Then, i will find myself  a new hobby so i will make myself busy with it so i don't have time to think about insecurities because i tend to overthink a lot. Then, i need to focus on my goal, which i need to focus on my studies, ineed to go to all classes and stop procrastinating. 

Review And Revise
I want to maintain 3.5 and above for my every semester and i want to get an A for every subjects.

I will get 3.5 and above for my every semester and get the Vice Chancellor Award. 

Image result for goal quotes

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assalammualaikum, hello, hei, bonjour, hola, nin hao, namaste and welcome to my blog dear readers! here's some facts about me. ...